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About baxtr

baxtr is a best-of-breed wellness plan software solution for veterinary clinics (see what we did there?)

Learn more about the company, and the pack behind it.


baxtr was built to help vets help pets.

Pet care is getting expensive. Like, really expensive. Pet parents often find themselves in the heartbreaking predicament of deciding between credit card debt and the life of their furry companion. 

While there's no simple solution to increasing costs, it’s a well-established truth that catching health issues early can prevent those expensive, gut-wrenching emergency procedures.

That’s where baxtr comes in.

We’ve built a simple and powerful software platform for creating and managing pet wellness plan subscriptions. Putting preventive pet care on a subscription does two important things:

  1. Since it’s “already paid for”, it increases compliance with regular well checks.
  2. It reduces the financial burden of preventive care, enabling payment over time, increasing compliance with regular well checks.

In other words…baxtr helps more pets come in for more regular wellness checks.

The Pack

Two North Carolinians, three Georgians, two native New Yorkers, three a cappella musicians, four dads.

However you group us, here we are.

Mark and Nick previously worked together.

Benjy and Greg previously worked together.

Mark, Nick, and Benjy previously worked together.

We’ve built e-commerce companies; we’ve built brands; most importantly, we’ve built SaaS subscription platforms.

Now we all work together to build the best subscription platform for the best veterinary clinics.

Mark & Chloe

Mark Hines

Sales & Ops

D. Mark Hines, Jr. wears many hats, although not in the accompanying photo. He sits at the intersection of ops, IT, sales, and entrepreneuritude, blending process with progress to drive organizations forward.

Having grown multiple companies over his 25-year career, from music production to real estate to subscription software, Mark's primary aim is to build a company that will make a difference. And to cook the perfect sous vide filet.

An avid NC State fan, Mark's one of those people who truly enjoys spending time with his family. While his wife and two girls command most of that time, he also desperately tries not to ignore Chloe, his Attention Hound.

Nick Lyons

Product & Success

Look up "empathy" in a completely made-up dictionary, and you'll find Nick Lyons.

With a music education degree and MBA from the University of North Carolina at Greensboro, a brief career as a professional singer, and having run a music production company, Nick combines proactive management skills, a servant leadership style, and a drive for growth and innovation in what can only be described as...harmony.

A doting husband, father of four, avid NY Giants fan, and pet dad to a Boston Terrier named Gus, Nick's focus on customer-centric decision-making brings the human element to the business of baxtr.

And he's got a killer beard, to boot.

Nick & Gus

Benjy and...Benji

Benjy Rose

Marketing & Creative

A creative marketer with a biomedical engineering degree; a Yankees and Jets fan living in Atlanta; a brand-builder and beatboxer; an alliteration addict and rhyme scheme schemer; a distiller of companies' brand spirit while in the company of distilled spirit brands. Benjy is a man of many (often-seemingly-contradictory) descriptors.

Throughout his career, from multimedia CD-ROM development to working on Coca-Cola's original website to building SaaS brands, Benjy has brought purposeful creativity and clever turns of phrase to every organization he touches. Whether adding personality into pitch videos, featuring CEOs in brand stories, or infusing "Airplane!" quotes into software UI, Benjy aims to create meaningful connections between companies and their customers.

A dad, husband, dog lover, and former pet parent who was absolutely not named after the movie-star mutt from the 70s and 80s, Benjy's heart still melts a bit when he sees a beagle nose-down or an Australian shepherd "protecting" its person from...everything.

Greg Flynn

Tech & More Tech

Greg used to have a dog named Baxter. Which is not at all a coincidence.

He's the man behind the curtain: the turner of dials, lifter of levers, switcher of switches, coder of all things. Greg has run total technology for 100-person companies, totally rebuilt a 20,000-product e-commerce platform, and totaled his minivan running over a steel pipe on the highway.

Greg has an uncanny knack for knowing how to engineer SaaS apps while getting his hands dirty with the actual coding of the things. He's an architect, developer, husband, and dad, all rolled up into one deadpan package.

And his mixed breed pup Emma thinks he's kinda swell, too.

Greg & Emma

Stephen Tkac, DVM


Dr. Tkac is the owner of Bridge Park Animal Hospital in Johns Creek, GA. He is a native Georgian and earned his bachelor’s and doctorate degrees from University of Georgia. His area of expertise includes soft tissue and orthopedic surgery, as well as internal and emergency medicine. In his spare time he enjoys fishing, golf, college football and spending time with his family. ​​​​​​​

Baxter. The O.G.

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